Friday, January 8, 2010

Random Post 1 Bitch! XD

Why do people have to be so stiff about? And why do they agree to go out with someone if they know that they wont at the last moment. Its so much LOL haha. Well fuck that anyway, I'm just putting it out there. And I know one thing, the goddamn jews are to blame here! xD Lol no! im just trying to be cartman! i love all people, specially jewish people!! (stupid jew -_-) Once upon a time i was a baby, yeah. I choose not to think about the idea but yeah i was a baby and pooping everywhere. I know, it must have been awful for my parents to raise a demon like me :D I destroyed almost anything in my reach, yes I was a baby mephisto. Dont get me wrong, I wasnt like the weird mofo kid from The Omen movies, duck no! (I think =P) I was just flipping through an old photo album and found a pic of me doing something to a poor kitty. I was about 3 but still! Poor cat! I think that incident traumatized the damn cat! Haha you wanna know what I did to him? I was lying on top of the kitty and biting its face :O I swear to god if the people at one of those wildlife preservation companies saw me, they would have sued me xD And there was this other picture of me nude on the bed :O once again i must have been like 3 or 4 years old but still its embarrassing! So i hid it!! Im so tempted to post those pics here but it might shock people :D Well me nude, coz im pretty sexy there :D, but the incident with the poor cat! I dont know why im saying these thing here but once again its boring and I have nothing else to do at this time so I thought I'd improve my already good typing to a somewhat higher level. Okay okay Im done :D (For now...) Ps: and please ignore any spelling mistakes or whatever coz i type these posts without double checking and in a really short time xD

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