Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Julian Smith: Amateur Film Extrodinaire. Hit YouTube video: 25 Things I Hate About Facebook

Julian Smith, 22, from Nashville TN has an extraordinary talent; coming up with a new comedic parody mocking or simply making fun of pop culture every Friday on YouTube. I never miss any of his videos. There are only a few minutes long but the quality is incredible. I mean really, if he goes mainstream, the dude would be the next Judd Apatow. Haha. (and he's also a great singer!)
His popular videos include:
'25 Things I Hate About Facebook'
- A parody mocking 25 things that Julian hates about FB, the Facebook Co. thought the video was so funny that they invited him to a tour at the FB headquarters in California. Haha, he runs around the building being super annoying and disturbing everybody! But they all love him! LOL

'Get Your Own iPhone' Series.
- 3 Episodes. Different people on different scenarios face themselves about to lose their iPhones.

Ep 1 'Party' -

Ep 2 'School' -

Ep 3 'Break In' -

'Kidnapped!' Series.
- Julian gets kidnapped.

'Jaqueese is Ghetto'
- A weird (and a bit stupid) guy who always boasts about adventures he never had to his roomie. And he's super annoying!

'Got My Mac On with iPhone 3G S (official Music Video)'
- A really great music video appreciating the new iPhone 3Gs.

- - - For more other great videos by Julian visit:

- Kris

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